Your Fall Auto Maintenance Tips

Fall leaves on the hood of a car.

With the changing of the seasons, comes the time to make sure you won’t be stranded or left in discomfort on your various commutes. Many of these checks will repeat each season, but some are more important as you gear up for low temperatures. That is why Fall tis the season the prepare and with these maintenance tips, you and your trusted mechanic can keep you safely on the road, no matter the weather.

Change Your Oil

Changing your oil is vital, not only in the Fall but when you have driven a certain number of miles. Your engine will not work properly and begin to break down if it does not have enough or the right type of oil for your vehicle. If you have a professional oil change, they should always provide you with the recommended mileage or date to return for service.

Check Your Air Filter

Your air filter can be checked easily at home if you are comfortable and know where it is located. Just hold up the filter to a 60-watt lightbulb, and if you cannot see thru it, you will need to replace or have your mechanic replace.

Test Your Defroster

Fall is exactly the right time to check if your car heater or defroster is working properly. You do not want to wait until temperatures really plummet and possibly end up left out in the cold.

Cooling System Levels

Be sure to check your coolant levels (when engine is cold, of course) and refill with a 50/50 mix of water and coolant.

Replace Your Wiper Blades

Check the wear on your blades for cracks and breakage before heading into possibly storms in the fall and coming winter months. When extreme weather does hit, you will need working wiper blades to keep you and other drivers safe.


When the cold temperatures arrive, life can be just a bit miserable. Imagine your misery when your car won’t start at dark thirty and freezing temps. Getting your battery tested is often overlooked; we usually just wait for the battery to give out and deal with the unfortunate circumstances of being stranded or waiting.

Lights? Check!

That’s an easy one, do a walk around with your car started and get another person to test the brakes for you while you observe if the lights are working. Also be sure to check your visibility, you may want to opt for a halogen headlight if you haven’t already.

Tires, Brakes, oh my!

Checking the tread and pressure of your tires, the security of your brakes is vital in safety during the cooler seasons.

Fluid Levels

Be sure to check your brake fluid, transmission fluid, washer fluid, and power steering fluid. Check with your mechanic to ensure your levels are meeting the safety requirements.

Wear & Tear

Just taking a quick look under the hood, you will notice if any cables are loose, corroded, or maybe something seems off. Then you can have a professional confirm and address any issues.